The Sweet Culprit: Unravelling the Effects of Glycation on Skin Health


In the pursuit of youthful and radiant skin, people often focus on external factors such as skincare routines, sun protection, and hydration. However, one often overlooked aspect that plays a significant role in skin aging is glycation. This biochemical process, triggered by the excess consumption of sugar, has far-reaching effects on the skin’s structure and appearance. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of glycation and its profound impact on skin health.

Understanding Glycation

Glycation is a natural process that occurs when sugar molecules bind to proteins and lipids without the influence of enzymes. This non-enzymatic reaction results in the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). The accumulation of AGEs in the skin can lead to various detrimental effects.

Effects of Glycation on Collagen

Collagen, the most abundant protein in the skin, is crucial for maintaining its firmness and elasticity. Glycation disrupts the structure of collagen, making it stiff and inflexible. This compromised collagen fails to provide the necessary support, resulting in sagging and wrinkles. The visible signs of aging, such as fine lines and loss of skin elasticity, can be attributed to the glycation-induced degradation of collagen.



Loss of Elasticity and Firmness

Glycation not only affects collagen but also impacts elastin, another protein responsible for skin elasticity. The cross-linking of elastin fibers caused by glycation reduces their flexibility, leading to a loss of skin elasticity. This process contributes to the formation of sagging skin and the appearance of wrinkles, making the skin look aged and tired.

Formation of AGEs and Oxidative Stress

The accumulation of AGEs in the skin triggers oxidative stress, a condition where there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. AGEs generate free radicals, which are highly reactive molecules that can damage cells, including skin cells. Oxidative stress accelerates the aging process, causing inflammation, uneven skin tone, and a dull complexion.

Hyperpigmentation and Uneven Skin Tone

Glycation can also lead to hyperpigmentation and an uneven skin tone. The interaction between sugar molecules and proteins can stimulate melanin production, the pigment responsible for skin color. As a result, areas of hyperpigmentation, such as dark spots and discoloration, may appear on the skin. This can further contribute to an aged and tired appearance.

Impact of Diet on Glycation

The primary source of glycation is the consumption of high-sugar diets. Processed foods, sugary snacks, and sweetened beverages contribute to elevated blood sugar levels, promoting the glycation process. Individuals with diets rich in refined carbohydrates and sugars may experience accelerated skin aging compared to those who prioritize a balanced and low-glycemic diet.

The CDC advises keeping added sugar intake, indicated on Nutrition Facts labels, to around 12 teaspoons daily—however, the typical adult actually consumes an average of 17 teaspoons per day.

Protecting the Skin from Glycation

While the glycation process is a natural part of aging, there are ways to minimize its impact and maintain healthier, more youthful-looking skin:

  1. Balanced Diet: Adopting a diet low in refined sugars and processed carbohydrates can help regulate blood sugar levels, reducing the potential for glycation.
  2. Antioxidant-rich Foods: Consuming foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can neutralize free radicals and mitigate the effects of oxidative stress.
  3. Hydration: Proper hydration supports overall skin health and can help flush out toxins, potentially reducing the accumulation of AGEs.
  4. Topical Antioxidants: Incorporating skincare products with antioxidants like vitamins C and E can provide additional protection against oxidative stress.
  5. Sun Protection: UV radiation can exacerbate the effects of glycation. Using sunscreen regularly helps prevent sun damage and supports skin health.
  6. Collagen-Boosting Ingredients: Skincare products containing ingredients like retinoids and peptides can stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity.


In the quest for ageless skin, understanding the impact of glycation is paramount.

A study says Prolonged exposure to sunlight can exacerbate glycation, a process in which sugars attach to proteins in the body. In fact, a study has shown that the damage caused by UV rays can contribute to a heightened accumulation of AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-products). By recognizing the link between sugar consumption and skin aging, individuals can make informed lifestyle choices to minimize the effects of glycation. A holistic approach, combining a balanced diet, proper skincare, and lifestyle modifications, can go a long way in preserving the skin’s youthful appearance and promoting overall skin health. Embracing these practices can empower individuals to age gracefully and maintain skin that radiates health and vitality.


How To Take Care Of Your Skin Beyond Your Face

Influencers across the globe have convinced you to religiously use Sunscreen, Vitamin serum, retinol, and the A B C’s of AHA’s and BHA’s for your skin. This may sound like a mouthful, but an increasing number of people now research the ingredients in their skincare before trying it out. The fad has now become a norm!

At every juncture of life, our skin continuously changes. It may be apparent for some or minuscule for others but with age, you will notice a loss in elasticity, lines or wrinkles, discoloration, pigmentation, and a host of changes that may stress us. However, taking care of your skin goes beyond the face. Skincare tips may not be universal due to individual concerns, skin types, and lifestyles but let’s stick to the basics: 

  • Cleaner, Moisturizer, Sunscreen
  • Hydration
  • Balanced diet
  • Sufficient sleep

Moisturize Thoroughly

It is crucial to moisturize our body and apply sunscreen even on your neck, arms, and feet. These oft-neglected areas often show the first signs of aging or skin damage. The skin is the first protective barrier and is constantly exposed to pollutants, UV rays, and even exfoliation, and shaving. 

Moisturizing is thus key to minimizing damage. Use a product according to your skin type but allow it to be absorbed into your pores right after bath and before dressing up.

Sunscreen Is A Must

Yes, we’re talking about the benefits of SPF again because that’s how important it is. Don’t need to take our word for it, experts including Harvard Medical School Professor Jennifer Lin affirm the vast number of studies vouching for the effect of sunscreen on common skin cancers and preventing anti-aging skin effects. Remember though, sunscreen should be ideally reapplied every 2-3 hours as its effect wanes or is sweated off. 

Concern about Vitamin D deficiency should also be no reason to avoid sunscreen, consult a medical professional there are ample other ways to obtain the same through food or supplements.

Vitamin C And Retinol 

These are now bedside staple arsenal in our skincare regimen. An extensive 2017 study from New Zealand affirms that Vitamin C can reduce signs of aging, particularly hyperpigmentation, and protects against UV radiation. In fact, some say it is the only proven antioxidant that stimulates the synthesis of collagen – meaning minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.

A derivative of Vitamin A, retinol is a powerful antiaging tool. If you’re new to it, start by patch-testing lower concentrations of retinol once or twice a week at night and then gradually move to build up your skin’s tolerance. The recommended usage is retinol at night and Vitamin C in the morning with sunscreen! These are powerful ingredients so don’t haste and consult an expert especially if you have sensitive skin.

Enjoy The Bath Time

While taking a bath, avoid long showers and use warm (not hot) water with mild cleansers/soaps. On the contrary, some experts also say that the skin may retain essential oils and feel firmer by taking cold showers. Once a week make sure to exfoliate your skin. The exfoliating glove may be the latest Instagram advert that we see everywhere, but an occasional massage using similar scrub will surely remove dead skin cells. 

Ensure that you do not scrub too hard but gently pay attention to your back, elbows, knees, and feet in particular. If you shave regularly always protect the skin using any lubricant preferably shaving cream. Please throw away your old blades! It is also important to pay attention to any moles or bumps in your body.

Feet Feat 

Just like you take care of your face and body invest in foot care, not for aesthetic purposes but because many infections and skin conditions, may appear on our neglected feet. Damp or sweaty feet tend to breed bacteria and fungus leading to infections or sometimes even viral warts. Follow the exfoliating and moisturizing process for your toes too. 

Our soles also have thicker skin prone to dryness and cracks hence do not limit foot care to a once-in-a-blue-moon pedicure alone. Pedicure, however, is not just another beauty regimen, it prevents ingrown nails, and accumulation of dead skin and deeply cleanses our feet.

Hand Care 

This has seen an overzealous increase post-COVID-19. Consistently washing and using alcohol-based sanitizers makes your hand dry and damaged. It is thus not extravagant to use a hand cream after washing to quickly give some moisture back. The skin on the back of the hand is one of the thinnest but also one that is most exposed to outside pollutants, chemicals, and UV radiation. 

Apart from moisturizing it goes without saying that it is imperative to apply a good amount of sunscreen on your hands and arms.

Eating And Drinking Basics

Apart from external tips, making a few changes in your diet may give you dramatic results. Doctors and dermatologists across the world will agree that sufficient intake of water and a balanced and nutritious diet will do wonders for your skin and health, posing as a solution to several skin troubles. For starters, drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to keep your body (and skin!) hydrated and flush out intoxicants. Eating food rich in fatty acids such as fish or walnuts may reduce inflammation. Including nuts and seeds in your diet are a great and easy source of nutrients including Vitamin E (an antioxidant for the skin). Vitamin sources like oranges, carrots, spinach, and sweet potatoes act as a natural sunblock and prevent various sun damage. Vitamin C-rich tomatoes are a major source of carotenoids which prevents wrinkling! 

And while you do not need more reasons to eat chocolate, dark chocolate is a high source of antioxidants improving your skin health and texture. While these are just some options- essentially what you eat affects your skin health so ensure that you have a balanced and nutrient-rich diet.

A healthy inside is going to reflect a healthy outside. Learn more about your gut can make you more beautiful inside out: How Your Gut Health Can Make Your Skin Beautiful

One of the most uncommon but vital beauty tips is taking care of your mind. A healthy mind is a way towards healthy skin. Manage stress, get enough sleep and do things you enjoy – it is an added benefit if you look and feel healthy along the way!

Charene Beauty Specializes in Facial Treatments that can give you great results. We are experts in facial spa, blackhead extraction, hydrafacial, diamond glow, and more!

Book an appointment by calling: 203 656 4440

What Is The Acid Mantle Barrier Of Your Skin And How To Boost It?

Your skin is one of the first lines of defense against the environment, protecting you from the harsh elements of the outside world. But when your skin is not functioning as it should, it can allow the environment to get to you, which will result in skin damage.

In this blog, we will look at what the acid mantle barrier of your skin is and how to boost it so that you can heal your skin. 

What Is The Acid Mantle Barrier Of Your Skin?

The acid mantle is a layer of acid that is made of amino acids, fatty acids, and proteins. It is secreted by the skin and provides a defense against germs and bacteria. It also helps to regulate the skin’s pH level. This acid mantle barrier helps the skin to heal and protects it against infections by bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

The acid mantle is a thin, oily layer found on the surface of the skin. It is produced by the sebaceous glands located in the skin. The acid mantle is responsible for keeping the skin moist, and it acts as the first line of defense against bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. It also preserves the pH level of the skin (around 4.5-5.5) and helps to prevent irritation, acne, and other skin disorders.

The acid mantle is constantly changing, and it can be disrupted by factors such as:

  • Harsh soaps,
  • Changes in the weather,
  • High stress,
  • Illness
  • Over-cleansing
  • Over-exfoliating
  • Pollution
  • Harsh sun exposure

How To Know If The Acid Mantle Is Damaged?

A damaged acid mantle refers to sensitive and sensitized skin. Symptoms of a damaged acid mantle include inflammation, irritation, redness, and patchy, flaky skin. When the skin’s barrier is damaged, it becomes less capable to protect the skin from harmful ingredients. As a result, the person may end up using more products in an attempt to help the skin, which could exacerbate the cycle of irritation and sensitization.

Skin that has a damaged acid mantle can look dry, i

rritated, and flaky, but it can also be oily. As a response to the dryness and irritation, the skin produces more oil to protect itself. This increase in oil production can lead to more breakouts and acne. Further, if the acid barrier is continually weakened and disrupted, it can lead to more severe skin issues. The disrupted acid mantle has been linked to several skin conditions, including eczema, contact dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne.

How To Boost The Acid Mantle Barrier Of Your Skin

Carefully Pick New Products

If your skin is already inflamed and irritated, it’s best to skip out on new products altogether! Doing so will prevent your skin from becoming overly sensitive and reactive to products. Plus, this allows you to focus on addressing your existing skin conditions.

Products that are formulated for damaged skin are highly effective, but they’re also stronger than what you’re used to. You could end up with more breakouts if your skin is not accustomed to the ingredients. Take it slow and give yourself time to adjust to the new routine. You’ll be on your way to clearer skin in no time!

Rethink Cleansing

When choosing a facial cleanser, it is important to keep in mind that a majority of these products contain synthetic ingredients such as parabens, sulfates, and alcohol that may be harmful to the skin. While some of these additives may be useful in small quantities, they do not clean the skin in a way that is desirable to most people.

A better choice is to find a cleanser that is gentle and hydrating. This will clean the skin without disturbing the helpful bacteria in the microbiome layer of the skin, which is the outermost layer of the skin. It will also keep the skin’s acid mantle intact, which is a delicate

balance of acidic and basic substances that keep the skin smooth and healthy.

Minimal Skincare Routine

There are a lot of choices when it comes to moisturizing products. Many of them are ineffective or have harmful chemicals. You want to make sure you’re buying a product that suits your skin type and is healthy. 

Hyaluronic acid is a type of compound that is naturally produced by the human body that can help the body retain moisture and keep the skin young, fresh, and firm. While it’s a compound produced naturally in the human body, it can help to improve the quality of your skin when added to carefully regulated moisturizing lotions and creams.

Learn more about how Why Hydration Is Important For Skin And Nails

Avoid over-exfoliation

Although exfoliating your skin is an important part of the skin care process, you should be careful not to overdo it. Over-exfoliating can damage the skin and is not good for your body’s natural oils. Find a good exfoliant that you like and use it every other day to keep your skin smooth and fresh.

Chances are these sentences and tone of voice seem pretty clear and simple, but that’s just because it’s already been written. As we move into the next sections with examples, remember to compare writing before and after adding a tone of voice. Here’s how you can better protect yourself from over-exfoliation: What Is Over-Exfoliation And How To Beat It 

In Conclusion

Just like everything else in life, fixing your acid mantle requires time and effort – but it’ll be worth it once you see the amazing changes in your skin! Having a healthy acid mantle is key to having supple, beautiful skin – so if you’re not happy with the state of your skin, these changes are definitely worth considering.

Proven Ways To Protect Your Skin From Dust And Pollution

Pollution is fast becoming a problem in our cities. Generally, we have heard about the harmful effects of pollution on our health, but we rarely hear about the effects of pollution on our skin. Pollution is severely affecting the quality of our skin, and the lifestyle we live is adding to it. 

As pollution levels continue to rise, so does the risk of developing skin issues. These issues range from dryness, redness, and irritation to allergic reactions and even infection. If you want your skin to stay healthy and hydrated, then you need to take steps to protect it from the harmful effects of dust and pollution. 

Let’s start by understanding what is pollution.

What is Pollution And How Does It Affect Your Skin?

Ultraviolet Radiation

Ultraviolet radiation can be categorized as a physical pollutant. It has a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays. And hence is generally described as electromagnetic radiation. It’s so powerful that it can damage your DNA and cause skin cancer. But the sun isn’t the only thing that gives off UV radiation. Fluorescent and LED light bulbs, sun lamps, tanning beds, and black lights also produce UV rays.

UV radiation is divided into three types: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. UV-A is the kind that’s closest to visible light and the kind we see with our eyes. It’s the least harmful to humans. UV-B is the kind of UV radiation that causes sunburn, although it can also cause skin cancer. And UV-C is the kind that’s closest to X-rays and gamma rays on the electromagnetic spectrum. It can also cause skin cancer and damage the DNA in your cells.


Ozone is a form of pollution that occurs naturally in the upper atmosphere. It is a gas that is harmful to breathing and can cause irritation, coughing, chest pain, and headaches. 

The actions of O3 get magnified in the presence of other atmospheric pollutants like cigarette smoke. And with UV rays ozone has a combined effect of oxidative stress on the skin causing inflammation. Coming in touch with O3 can also cause a decrease in collagen and elastin, further leading to the premature aging of the skin.

Particulate Matter (PM)

Particulate Matter, often abbreviated as PM, is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets that are suspended in the air. They come in a range of sizes and compositions.

Particulate Matters of nanosized are the most harmful ones. They are majorly emitted by traffic pollution. Due to their physical nature, they overtly react with the skin and cause oxidation of the human skin. Particulate Matter is also found to be responsible for aging and pigmentation. 


Oxides are chemical compounds that contain at least one oxygen atom. These are created from the burning of various fuels and materials. Gases like nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and more are directly responsible for the damage to the skin.

Particularly a study conducted in East Germany showed that the prevalence of atopic eczema was high due to NOx exposure. This was true for indoor environments as well as areas with heavy traffic.

Cigarette Smoke

We know how cancerous cigarettes can be. And they have been fortunately banned from most public places. But there is still a substantial population that still smokes cigarettes and can cause harm not just to themselves but to others around them.

Cigarette smoke has chemicals that cause the degeneration of connective tissue in the skin. There is also a phenomenon called a smoker’s face, which is a distinct pattern of premature wrinkling and the orangish coloration of the skin. Regular cigarette smokers are 4.7 times more likely to have facial wrinkles than non-smokers. 

Now that we know what is pollution that is affecting us and how it affects us, let’s learn how to fight it!

Tips to keep your skin healthy

Always Stay Hydrated

When we drink enough water in a day, our skin remains in the best condition. Water hydrates the skin, helps to plump up fine lines and wrinkles, and gives the complexion a healthy glow. It’s also essential for cellular turnover, which helps to keep the skin looking young and radiant.

A thorough cleansing with water is sufficient to remove all sweat and dirt particles even if you have been sweating heavily on a hot day. Water is a natural and safe way to remove dirt and pollution particles that can cause damage to the skin. This is the best method for keeping the skin clean and healthy.

Use Sunscreen Daily

Yes! Every single day. 

It is recommended that everyone must put on sunscreen every day. Especially a sunscreen that has SPF 30 or higher. This is to make sure that your skin is protected from the harmful UV rays that we’ve discussed above and would also help in preventing dust and other pollutants from entering your skin. 

Exfoliate Regularly

Washing your face with a gentle face wash every day may be already a part of our routine. But exfoliation regularly can go even further and make sure to remove all the dirt and dust that might get accumulated on your skin. 

Simply by making an exfoliating scrub and applying it to your skin every so often, you can reduce the amount of pollution and dust that gets into your pores and cause acne. Exfoliation can also help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and will help your skin look radiant and young while also protecting you from harmful pathogens.

But be careful of exfoliation. There is a chance that you might end up overdoing it. Learn about what is over-exfoliation and how you can prevent it. 


It is in your best interest to find a moisturizer that can protect it from dirt, dust, and air pollutants, and also prevent dehydration, wrinkles, and other skin problems. As you may already know, not only will you feel better, but you’ll look better as well. So be sure to moisturize your skin, especially before going out!

Healthy Eating

One of the best ways to protect your skin from the outside world is to eat clean, healthy foods. A diet that is high in vitamin C with antioxidants in it will help prevent damage to the skin by keeping it hydrated and protected from pollutants.

Foods such as berries, salmon, olive oil, and nuts contain the nutrients that give your skin the moisture and elasticity it needs to stay healthy and beautiful! While some of these may not seem like foods you would want to eat, they are all great for your body and skin.

Final Word

Dust and pollution are now a part of our day-to-day lives and there is no escaping it. But we can make ourselves aware of all the effects of it on our skin and further take actions to prevent and minimize its damage. 

One final thing that can help with the effects of dust and pollution is getting facial treatments done by a professional. 

Charene Beauty Specializes in Facial Treatments that can give you great results. We are experts in facial spa, blackhead extraction, hydrafacial, diamond glow, and more!

Book an appointment by calling: 203 656 4440

Simple Hacks You Need To Know To Protect Your Skin On Plane

A recent study by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology shows that most Americans are not wearing sunscreen on their face or body on a daily basis. The study also shows that most of the study sample has sun damage to their skin even before the age of 35. Considering how easy it is to apply sunscreen and how much it can protect your skin from damage, it should naturally be part of our daily routine. 

Especially when we are traveling our skin comes across all kinds of pollutants and elements that can harm our skin. Damaging rays of the sun are one such aspect that is unavoidable, but how do we protect our skin from the harmful rays when we are on the plane?

Especially if you are a window seat person, then you may not be aware of how much damage the sun may be causing to your beautiful skin. 

In this blog, we will explore how you can protect your skin from the sun while on a flight.

Does The Sun Affect Our Skin On A Plane?

Short Answer: Yes, it certainly does.

Long Answer: We generally think of damage due to the sun happening because of long exposure and hot climate. But there is another reason that also causes great damage to your skin, and it is the height. The closer you are to the sun the easier it is for your skin to get hit by the harmful UV rays. Also, the small cabin of a plane is not only reflective, but it also doesn’t have much ventilation.

Studies suggest that for every 1,000 meters, there is a 10% increase in UV rays. 

A study conducted by JAMA Dermatology suggested that flying at 30,000 feet for an hour is like sitting on a tanning bed for 20 minutes. Further, we know that these Ultraviolet rays are of 3 types: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. While you may be protected to a good degree from the UV-B rays due to the shades on the windows, there is still a great deal of UV-A exposure that you must be ready to face on a plane. And even though these UV-A rays may not be the most harmful when compared to UV-B rays, the constant and more potent exposure to them at a high altitude can certainly result in some serious damage. Especially, if you are a frequent traveler, then you must protect your skin from the UV rays. 

How To Protect Your Skin While Flying

Let’s learn some of the ways you can protect your skin from damage while you’re in an airplane. 

Always Wearing Sunscreen While On A Plane

Sunscreen is something that everyone should be wearing every time they go outside. But that’s a lot easier said than done. What if it’s not sunny? What if it’s way too sticky to wear? There are a lot of reasons why people don’t wear sunscreen. Similarly, people don’t wear sunscreen on an airplane, assuming that they are “indoors”. But we now understand that harmful UV rays can get through the windows and cause a lot of damage to the skin. So remember to wear sunscreen whenever you’re on an airplane!

Maybe Aisle Seat Can Protect Your Skin

While it may not seem like much but if you travel frequently via flights, then it’s best for you to pick an aisle seat. You can still get affected by the UV rays while in the aisle seat since the air cabins are quite reflective. But remember, even little steps go a long way when protecting your skin. 

Window Shade Can Keep The UV Rays Out?

Don’t we all just love the window seats? The views are just perfect and the photos look too good! 

But we know for certain that that’s the position that may be highly susceptible to UV rays. Hence, putting down the shade seems to be one of the most obvious options when you are in the window seat. But we know that even if you did cover yours since the shade is made of plastic, it can only do so much. Only metals have the ability to completely reflect the UV rays. And not to forget the windows in the front and back!

The shade may not protect your skin completely, but it is still a great hack to protect you from UV rays.

In-Flight Masks

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we now are quite used to wearing masks on our faces. But we can do it even better!

The country of South Korea is truly a modern pioneer when it comes to skincare. There are a ton of skincare routines and products created and mastered by them. One of the recent trends they have invented is to wear hydrating sheet masks in flight. Especially if you’re a frequent traveler it can be hard to find time to hydrate your skin. So if you’re on a flight, a sheet mask can not just rejuvenate your skin but can also prevent you from the sun and the dust on the plane. 

Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

Hydrating sheet masks are fantastic, but they are still not a substitute for drinking ample amounts of water. In one of our previous blogs, we discussed how crucial hydrating can be for your skin. But especially when you are at a very high altitude, surrounded by UV rays, and sitting in an artificially created atmosphere, it becomes even more important to drink water. 

Travelling can also be quite hectic at times so it is always advisable to carry a good-sized bottle of water at all times. 

Pro-tip: If you want to completely avoid UV rays inside the plane, it is best to avoid travel from 10 AM to 4 PM. 

Final Words

It may still sound a little counterintuitive to wear sunscreen on a plane but the research is pretty solid on this. If you care about your beautiful skin, we would highly advise you to wear it on a plane always. 

And if you love your skin, even more, call us and book your appointment for the wide range of beauty services we offer.
Call Now: 203 656 4440

Looking forward to seeing you!

How Your Gut Health Can Make Your Skin Beautiful

“All disease begins in the gut”

2500 years ago this is what the father of medicine said. He believed that a healthy gut will lead to an overall improvement in health and an unhealthy gut will lead to a variety of diseases. According to modern medical science, he is right to a great extent.

In this blog, we will explore the gut-skin axis, skin issues related to the gut, and how to heal from them.

Before we dive into the details, let’s understand some fun facts about our gut:

  • Its major function is to breakdown the food and the absorption of nutrients
  • It excretes waste substances from the body
  • About 70% of the immune cells live in the gut
  • The gut has its own nervous system with about 100 million neurons located in the gut
  • The microbiome of the gut includes all the bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. It is now considered its own organ.
  • The gut and the brain are directly linked through the vagus nerve.

As we can see that the gut is one of the most crucial organs that connect to various others in a significant way. 

The Gut-Skin Axis

Similar to the direct communication that happens between the gut and the brain via the gut-brain axis, scientists have also discovered a connection between the gut and the skin.

As research suggests, “The connection between the skin and gut mediates the immune system. The interaction of the microorganisms and the host immune system is important to maintain skin homeostasis. The gut–skin axis is an integral part of the gut–brain–skin axis.”

When an organ like the gut contains 70% of the immune system, it is natural to understand that it is going to be key in regulating an organ like the skin. 

Just like the gut, our skin also has a microbiome of its own. Its function is to make sure that no harmful elements will enter the body. But this microbiome is not completely independent. It connects to the gut’s microbiome. So it is understandable that if the skin is showing inflammation of any kind, then the gut is also inflamed or is not able to function properly. 

This connection between the gut and the skin that happens due to the immune system and the microbiome is known as the gut-skin axis.

Skin Issues Linked to the Gut Health

The skin is the largest organ of our human body. It’s tasked to prevent anything harmful that can enter and damage our insides. It is the first and the strongest line of defense. But this brilliant organ needs care for it to take care of us.  Hence it is the gut’s responsibility to support the skin’s microbiome in fighting harmful external pathogens.

Our skin is great at communicating with us. It will tell us if they are having a good time or if they need something to change. Rashes, breakouts, inflammation, and more such signs can be a hint that your skin is not having a good time. 

But one of the challenges here is to be sure that these issues are happening as a direct result of an unhealthy gut. This is because some of the same symptoms can occur without any relation to the gut. They may be happening due to some toxins or pathogens that the skin might have come in contact with. 

Regardless of that, we still know that about 34% of people who have these skin issues also have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

So let’s look into what are these issues that your gut might be responsible for.


Rosacea is a skin condition where particularly the cheeks and the nose becomes red. People with IBS are 12 times more likely to have rosacea. 

This occurs when there is an imbalance in the gut microbiotas and other immunological factors. Specifically, in patients with rosacea, there is an excess of the Campylobacter bacteria. The link between gut health and rosacea is the strongest as compared to all other diseases. 


Eczema is a skin condition that causes redness, itchiness, and inflammation. It can be a complex skin condition to diagnose and treat since it gets triggered due to a myriad of reasons. 

Yet one of the biggest reasons for eczema is still the inflammation of the gut or the leaky gut. If eczema is happening due to the gut, then one of the best things can be to look back on everything that you ate to find items that may have triggered it. Gluten and dairy are some of the food groups that can cause eczema through the gut.


Acne can also have various reasons behind it. It can be anything from bad contact to poor gut health. This is also a highly common skin condition and has been particularly studied by biologists and dermatologists. 


Psoriasis is a condition similar to eczema but it also makes the skin flaky and scaly. This is due to the rapid generation of skin layers linked to the inflammation of the gut. This inflammation is due to the leak of endotoxins and other compounds which makes the immune system overreact. 

How To Heal The Gut

Now that we know what the gut-skin axis is and how it can affect our skin we must learn how to heal if we observe such issues. 

Here are some of the ways you can take care of your gut:

A Balanced and Nutritious Diet

We were all taught this as kids, but somehow we find it difficult to maintain a balanced diet. A balanced diet includes all the different food groups and must always contain a good quantity of fruits and vegetables. This is because gut bacterias are fond of variety in their diet. 

Reducing sugar, high-fat foods, gluten, and more such foods can help in reducing gut issues. And food with high fiber can help the gut regulate its microbiome properly.

Get Enough Sleep

This is a piece of great advice in general but becomes crucial when we are discussing gut health. A good night of sleep is going to give all the time and energy to the gut to work at its best. This is because most of the digestion happens during the night. And if there isn’t enough sleep it can cause problems.

Eating Slowly and Properly

We do eat many times a day but we may have picked up the improper way of eating. We need to chew the food completely and we need to take our time while eating meals. The digestion process needs your help to be with why making sure that the food entering the stomach is right for digestion.

Hydration Is A Must

In a previous blog, we covered how hydration is crucial for the well-being of your skin. And we would like to mention that your gut needs an ample amount of water. Without enough water, the gut cannot flush out harmful bacteria. These bacteria can lead to gastrointestinal infections.

Prebiotics and Probiotics

Prebiotics are found in carbs that are high in fiber and the gut bacteria love to digest them. 

Probiotics are the live bacteria found in certain food groups. This is a good kind of bacteria that the gut needs to function perfectly. 

Prebiotic and probiotic foods and supplements have proven to be effective in healing a bad gut and maintaining its health. 

Examples of foods that contain probiotics include yogurt, kombucha tea, kimchi, sauerkraut, some pickles, and more. 

Examples of foods that contain prebiotics are oats, berries, citrus fruits, garlic, onion, leafy greens, and more. 

And if you’re thinking of taking supplements of prebiotics and probiotics it is best to consult your doctor.

Eliminate Inflammatory Foods

The first step is to check for foods that you might be intolerant towards. You may be intolerant to certain foods if you are facing symptoms like stomach ache, bloating, diarrhea, excessive gas, nausea, acid reflux, and more. It is now best to consult with a doctor to be sure of your intolerance. And once you know it, it would be best to avoid such foods that cause inflammation.

Processed foods, gluten, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, and preservatives are also responsible for the inflammation of the gut. And so it is best to avoid them.

Final Word

A healthy inside is going to reflect a healthy outside. This is what the gut-skin axis has established. 

This is why we must be mindful of what we consume and be vigilant if we face any symptoms on our skin. It is highly advised that if you are facing the symptoms mentioned above you need to contact your doctor.

We wish you a healthy and radiant life!

Give us a call or text on 203 656 4440 to book your appointment for our services. 

What Is Over-Exfoliation And How To Beat It

Throughout the day and night, our skin is constantly regenerating. It regenerates entirely in about 27 days. But what happens to the old skin? Well, it is simply supposed to shed. This is an entirely natural process. But the world we live in makes it a little bit difficult. The pollution, the sun, and the climate we live in can hinder this process and cause issues to our skin.

To ensure that we are not getting stuck with our old dead skin, we have to make sure that we are exfoliating. Exfoliate comes from the Latin term exfoliare which means to peel-off/strip-off. Exfoliation is the process of removing old dead skin by the means of chemicals, peels, or other abrasive materials. 

Exfoliation has great benefits for your skin. Some of the benefits are:

  1. Exfoliation can prevent early aging
  2. Exfoliation allows your skin to glow naturally
  3. Exfoliation opens your pores so the skin can breathe easily
  4. Exfoliation creates an even skin tone
  5. Exfoliation allows moisturizers and serum to produce the best results

And there’s more…

But there can always be too much of a good thing. Going overboard, can and will result in damage to your skin. Let’s understand how much exfoliation is too much, what are the signs of it, and what we can do about it to recover and heal.

Over-Exfoliation Explained

There are two types of exfoliation: Mechanical and Chemical 

First, we have mechanical exfoliation where the skin is scrubbed physically by hand or by a machine. Physical exfoliation is done by tools such as a facial scrub with granular particles, exfoliating brush, a microfiber cloth, and more. These are used to scrub off the dead skin by rubbing on the skin. Depending on the size of the particles and the friction on the skin, the results can vary. 

Aside from that, there is a process called derma-planning. Dermplanning is a process where the dead skin is manually exfoliated using a surgical blade. An aesthetician uses this surgical blade to gently scrapes off the outermost layer of the skin. This is the part that contains most of the dead skin and hairs. 

Furthermore, there is another procedure called microdermabrasion which happens in the office of a licensed healthcare professional. Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive process where the aesthetician uses a machine to spray and rub tiny abrasive crystals on the skin. This removes the topmost layer of the skin and brings up a new fresh layer. 

Next, we have chemical exfoliation which uses acids to clear the skin off the dead cells. Chemical exfoliation doesn’t need much scrubbing as compared to mechanical exfoliation. 

One of the most popular chemical exfoliations is chemical peeling. This is another process that needs to be conducted by a professional at their office. In this procedure the acids from the peels penetrate the skin, stick to it and lift them off when peeled. 

Charene Beauty specializes in both mechanical and chemical exfoliation treatments.
Give us a call or text on 203 656 4440 to know more and book an appointment.

Signs of over-exfoliation

Over-exfoliation may not require a detailed investigation. It is one of those things that you would know when you feel it. 

But at times we may tend to ignore the early signs. So here’s a list of symptoms that you can look for when you’re looking for over-exfoliation:

  • Irritation of the skin
  • Redness
  • Inflammation or burning sensation 
  • Flakiness and dryness
  • Sudden breakout of pimples and acne
  • High oiliness of the skin
  • Ultra shiny skin 
  • Swelling or puffiness of the skin
  • Peels of skin coming off
  • Tightness of the skin which results in breaking when moved

How To Heal From Over-Exfoliation

Clean Your Skin Immediately

If you start to feel a burning or itching sensation while exfoliating, the best thing would be to stop immediately. You can then proceed to rinse the exfoliants with water or a gentle cleanser. Make sure that you’re not rubbing your skin again since that may cause further harm.

Use Cool Compresses

After the exfoliation, if you start to feel itchiness or pain, you need to first wash off the excess exfoliants. Next, take a clean cloth, damp it in cold water, and press it on the parts where you’re feeling irritable. Make sure to not rub the towel on the skin since that may lead to more irritation. Do this until the skin feels calmer. 

Avoid Exfoliating Entirely

One of the first and the most crucial steps you can take to heal from over-exfoliation is to stop exfoliating completely for a while. This will give some time for your skin to heal naturally.

Give your skin as long as it takes to first heal and then start generating new skin. As mentioned before that the skin takes about four weeks to regenerate. So it would be best to give it at least a month’s break. 

Pick A Milder Face Wash

Now that you’ve decided not to exfoliate your skin until it heals, the next thing would be to pick products that are going to help you recover.

You can start by avoiding harsher products and picking milder or natural alternatives that still give you the desired results. Before that please check your allergies when you switch to a new product with new ingredients as we don’t want further harm to our skin.

Moisturize as a priority

Your skin always has a way of healing itself. But it can’t do it on its own entirely. Hydration plays a major role when it comes to healing skin that is hurt anyway. 

Moisturizing is the next step to hydration where we supply the amount of water needed for the skin and then lock it there for a longer period of time. Moisturizing also helps is avoiding dirt and any other particle to reach the sensitive skin and causing more issues.

Don’t let the sun in

As we all know that the sun can cause damage to healthy skin with its UV rays, we must now be more careful when we are healing our damaged skin.
You can do that by applying products that protect you from the sun regularly. Even on cloudy days, since we want the best protection for us. 

An SPF30 product would be a lifesaver for you here. Make sure you’re applying an ample amount of it and every part of the exposed skin. You also need to ensure that it goes well with your moisturizer as we don’t want them to react against each other. 

Final Word

We at Charene Beauty are highly skilled at all kinds of exfoliation techniques mentioned above. 

Give us a call or text on 203 656 4440. 

Looking forward to seeing you!

Why Hydration Is Important For Skin And Nails

The human body contains more than 60% of water. So it’s not a surprise for us to conclude that drinking an ample amount of water is essential for our bodies. Hydration is especially crucial in certain functions of our body like removing toxins, lubricating joints, maintaining blood pressure, weight loss, and more.

But even though we know that hydration has a huge impact on your health. At the same time, it is also one of the most neglected aspects of our nutrition. The busy lives that we live make us miss out on the daily intake of water that our body needs.  Most times we don’t even drink water till we are thirsty. Research suggests that by the time you’re feeling thirst it’s already and little late. 



According to the World Health Organization (WHO), men should drink 2.9 liters and women should drink 2.2 liters of water every single day.  You can even drink 3 to 4 liters of water if you are going to do laborious activities like advanced cardio, construction work, mining, and more.

Drinking an ample amount of water every day has various health benefits like:

  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Lubricates joints and improves their functioning
  • Helps in improving brain function
  • Flushes wastes from the body
  • Clears skin and rejuvenates it

In this blog, we’re going to look into how hydration improves the health of skin and nails.

Brings A Glow To Your Skin

One of the biggest benefits of hydrating yourself regularly is that it brings a glow to your skin. When you hydrate, you not only improve your water level but also enhance your complexion.

Blood is one of the major fluids in our body. It consists of red blood cells and colored plasma. 90% of the colored plasma consists of water. When your blood is rich in water it adds a natural glow and blush to your face. Blood is also responsible for carrying the toxins and wastes from all parts of our body and helps in clearing up the skin. This makes your skin grow better and healthier. 

Improve The Elasticity Of The Skin

The elasticity of the skin is its ability to stretch and settle back to its original shape. Elastosis is the term for the loss of elasticity in the skin. There are plenty of reasons for elastosis like sun exposure, aging, and hormonal imbalances. To check your skin’s elasticity, pull it up and then observe how it goes back. If it doesn’t go back to exactly how it was as before, you may have elastosis.

Hydration is of great help here to improve your skin’s elasticity. A well-hydrated skin can stretch and stay tight. It also eliminates the possibility of fine lines and wrinkles.

Prevents Skin Aging At An Early Age

Loss of moisture is a direct cause of the early aging of the skin. And as we grow older we start losing the ability to maintain moisture in our skin. This is due to the reduction of two molecules hyaluronan and glycosaminoglycan. They have the unique ability to attach to water and retain the moisture in the skin.

As we age we start losing the amount of hyaluronan and glycosaminoglycan in our skin. This leads to a great reduction in moisture in the skin. To correct this course of aging on our skin, we must maintain a high level of hydration every day.

Balances The pH Level Of Your Skin

The pH level determines the level of acidity or alkalinity of the skin. The scale goes from 1 to 14. 1 indicates the most acidic and 14 indicates the most alkaline. The human skin needs to maintain a pH level of 5.5. If this balance is lost, the skin can lose its moisture and even bacteria can enter the skin. People with oily skin will face more oil on their skin and people with dry skin would see their skin become dryer.

This is why, regardless of your skin type, you must hydrate and moisturize your skin regularly. Moisturizing products infused with hyaluronic acid are a great way to preserve the moisture in your skin.

Removes Toxins And Prevents Pimples And Acne

Water acts as a carrier in our body. It can carry everything from blood to toxins. Our body especially uses water as a means to flush out the toxins from all our organs. And as we know the skin is the largest organ in the human body, so we must provide ample hydration to it to function at its best.

Also, flushing out toxins is only one aspect of hydration. Water also is a carrier for nutrition in our body. The lack of it is going to affect the delivery of nutrition to the various parts of our body. One of the major symptoms of poor hydration in the skin is acne and pimples. Without proper hydration, the skin finds it difficult to remove bacteria, dirt, and dead skin cells. Furthermore, the oil on our skin traps everything in the pores of our skin and doesn’t let go of it.

Strengthens The Nails


Nails are fingers are parts of our body that are almost always exposed and they tend to come in contact with our surroundings. This leaves them exposed to so many elements that can be detrimental to their health. Especially if the nails are not healthy they can cause pain and irritation. This is due to the nails becoming dry and brittle. Flaky cuticles are also a symptom of nails not being able to receive proper hydration.

Consumption of an ample amount of water is going to be highly beneficial in improving the strength, growth, and color of nails. The moisture would also strengthen the cuticles and makes sure that the nails are not easy to break. 


Whether it is the skin or the nails, it is now clear that hydration is essential for their good health and well-being. Hydration has great benefits on our overall health and it should be taken care of with utmost priority. If you are facing severe symptoms of dry skin it is highly recommended that you visit a professional for help. 

Charene Beauty offers various skin treatments to improve your skin. Our facial treatments have proven to improve the health and the look of the skin of our customers.


Looking forward to seeing you!

How Long Should Electrolysis Take?

Presently, hair removal is no longer limited as a lifestyle choice. Some individuals believe hair removal is necessary for hygiene, and others take it as a cosmetic procedure.  

Whatever your reason be, you must know that new and advanced scientific hair removal methods like Electrolysis are better than the traditional techniques. Electrolysis is emerging as a popular choice as people are gaining awareness about alternatives to temporary hair removal methods, such as laser, which is permanent hair reduction. 

As an individual opting for the electrolysis treatment, you must understand that every cosmetic procedure is two-way. It involves your body, which is in treatment, and the professional providing services. Furthermore, every treatment has an ‘effect time,’ under which the procedure must occur to show the best results. This blog aims to cover all this information so you can shed all your fears and confidently complete your electrolysis treatment within time.  

A Brief About Electrolysis 

While doing the procedure, a professional electrologist completely damages the hair follicles sending a current through them. Here are key takeaways:

  • It is the only permanent hair removal method approved by the FDA.. 
  • It is economical. The average cost per session costs $55. 
  • It works for all hair and skin types.
  • It can treat the area near the eyes. 

When you know key points about Electrolysis, the next step is to delve into details like how much time does it take? Or how many sessions do you require? 

How Many Sessions Do I Need To Take?

In general, it can take between 8 and 12 sessions of electrolysis treatments if you want permanent hair removal. The number of sessions can differ from person to person. Usually, when you go along with the treatment, you get an idea of how many sessions it will take you for permanent hair removal. A consultation is always recommended.

 On average, the total time for treatment, from start to finish, is 12 months. For some, the time may exceed because Electrolysis varies from person to person, like any other cosmetic procedure. It depends on the area in treatment or the professional who is doing the treatment. It can take a period ranging from 8 months up to 2 years in some cases. However, a sure shot reward is – hair once gone is gone forever. 

Let’s now explore how the professionals prepare a treatment schedule for you. 

Electrolysis Treatment Schedule: Factors to Consider For the Face


The size of the area to be treated has a significant impact on the duration of the electrolysis treatment. An area that many electrologists have to treat most is face. It may take 4-6 months of regular visits with your electrologist to take control of the problem of excessive hair growth. You can notice that the treatment demands consistency. 

The frequency of “regular” appointments varies depending on the amount of hair treated, although it is usually every 10-14 days. It is essential to catch each hair as it emerges from the skin because the roots can regenerate to some extent if not treated regularly. 

Allowing long periods between treatments will slow down your progress and make you believe Electrolysis is ineffective. We may feel that this appears to be an extensive time frame, but it is impossible to be more exact due to significant differences in treatment response. In addition, many things come to a transparent structure only during the treatment, so you have to be patient to see the results. As the hair growth slows, thins out, and eventually is eliminated.

For The Body

In terms of the period between electrolysis visits, you have a little more liberty with your body than your face. An electrologist can clear a considerably broader region of the body than the face during an appointment. So, the treatment tends to be quick because it is easier to work on the body (less contoured surface, which increases speed), as well as the fact that the hair tends to be spaced widely apart, allowing you to notice results much faster. 

The body also has some tricky areas like the bikini line. Working on the underarms or a bikini line for two or three hours will result in a noticeable improvement in that specific area. Note here that working on the face for two or three hours is often just the beginning. You may easily wait 10-12 weeks for another treatment after clearing an area like the arms or legs once. It keeps as much hair as possible on the skin’s surface, resulting in more effective treatment.

If you go into your electrolysis visits to finish your treatment, you should be able to finish in around 18-20 months at most. But, again, commitment is the key for the treatment to be effective.  

Making sessions on a monthly or bi-monthly basis will halt your progress indefinitely because you will undoubtedly shave, tweeze, or wax in the meantime. In addition, these methods may undo some of the prior work that an electrologist has done on your body. 

You should notice improvements in a matter of months when you consistently follow the professional’s advice.

What Other Factors Affect The Number Of Sessions? 

The points mentioned above inform you about the treatment time according to specific body areas. Furthermore, here are some other technical factors that decide the duration of the electrolysis treatment. 

  • Your Skin Type — Skin type and skin sensitivity are crucial factors influencing the result. Consequently, they also affect the number of treatments. 
  • How Hydrated Your Skin Is — An electrologist can smoothly treat hydrated skin. Electrical current is conducted more swiftly and readily in moist tissue than in dry. Moisture is important for effective electrolysis treatment. The moisture molecules must vibrate to generate heat and cause friction. Therefore, if the amount of moisture is less, it generates less heat.
  • Hair Thickness — Thicker hair takes longer to treat.
  • Quantity Of Hair — It takes longer to remove hair with close placement than those further apart.
  • Location Of The Hair  — Different body areas has varying growth cycles. For example, bikini hair takes more time to clear than facial hair because of its long growth cycle.
  • Hormonal Balance — Various biological changes (puberty, illness, emotional upset) can lead to hormonal change that alters vellus hairs to terminal hairs. These changes also activate previously sleeping hair follicles. Estradiol can act as a brake on hair follicle cycling by delaying initiation of the growing stage and prolonging the resting stage’s duration. Some individuals are susceptible to changes in hormonal levels. It affects the number of treatment sessions. 
  • Your Capacity For Discomfort— The higher your capacity for discomfort, the longer a professional can continue the treatment. You can use topical anesthetic to reduce discomfort. The electrologist can carry out more prolonged treatment with more intensity when topical anesthetic is used.
  • Hair Removal Techniques You Tried In The Past — It can distort your follicles if you have had epilation or waxing before. In addition, it makes inserting the probe more challenging. It is also worth noting that hair removed through plucking, waxing, or threading may not regrow for months. The time it takes for a plucked hair to recover varies by body location, but on average, regeneration takes 2 to 4 months following plucking. So overall, it makes the process difficult.
  • The Shape Of Your Hair Follicle — Curved hair is more difficult to remove as it hinders the insertion with the probe.
  • How Consistent Are You (Scheduling)? — A professional always advises a fixed time interval between treatments – ranging from 1-2 weeks at first to a month or more once your hair is trained to grow in the proper hair growth cycle.
  • Safety Margin — Remember that when it comes to electrolysis hair removal, the goal is to strike a delicate balance between delivering just enough destructive energy to destroy the hair follicle while avoiding unfavorable side effects. Even if this means some regrowth, we always err on the side of caution.

Final Word

We always recommend that you zero in on the process only after having a consultation. Secondly, your cooperation is the crucial part. Finally, it is your treatment and your responsibility to be consistent with it. 

Lastly, as an individual or a client, you must consider that Electrolysis combines art and science. Some would say more art. Interestingly, professionals learn the science side, but they gradually have to develop the artistic side. For example, no technique teaches them to manipulate the probe or the right time to cut the current. It takes ample hours and sometimes years to develop that kind of intuition. Hence, always choose an experienced and certified professional.

Looking for Best Beauty Parlour Near Me – Charene Beauty Services



How To Figure Out Your Skin Type And The Skincare Services

We all want to flaunt healthy and glowing skin. A radiant face gives us the confidence to step out and be in the spotlight on every occasion. That’s the reason why many of us engage in a regular skincare routine. 

Regular skin care can help keep your skin away from aging signs like wrinkles, marks, spots, etc. Maintaining a skincare routine is also an excellent way to get rid of acne and pimples. But, most individuals find it an enormous task to take care of their skin. Sometimes, they lack time, and other times, they do not know the accurate solution for their skin. 

The first step to skin care starts with knowing your skin type. When you know about the texture of your skin, you can easily figure out what it needs to be healthy. Understandably, many individuals often confuse their skin condition with their skin type. Furthermore, they adopt skincare routines that never work for them. 

You should refrain from false skincare routines and follow those that suit your skin. Let’s start by exploring different skin types. 


What are the different skin types? 

There are four types of skin – dry, oily, combination, and normal skin. You can identify each type by set characteristics, explained below. 

Dry Skin

The term – ‘dry’ refers to skin that generates less sebum than normal skin. Due to the lack of sebum, dry skin does not have sufficient lipids. These lipids retain moisture in the skin and form a protective layer against external influences.

Lack of sebum results in an impaired barrier function. Dry skin can exist in varying degrees of severity. It could be there in different forms, not always clearly distinguishable.

A higher number of females suffer from dry skin than males. Unfortunately, all skin gets dryer with age. Dry skin problems are quite common, and interestingly, about 40% of visits to dermatologists are because of it. 

How to identify – 

  • You can see dry skin signs like dull & rough complexion, almost invisible pores, red patches, visible lines, and less elastic skin. 
  • The skin can also crack or peel. 
  • It tends to become itchy, irritated, or inflamed. 
  • Very dry skin can be rough and scaly, specifically on the backs of your arms, hands, and legs.

Oily Skin

‘Oily’ skin type is the one with heightened sebum production. You can also understand it as the opposite of dry skin. If you have oily skin, you may notice comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and different types of acne. 

Light acne formation may lead to a large number of comedones appearing on the face. You may also notice some on the chest, neck, back, and shoulders. 

Individuals with moderate and severe conditions may have to deal with papules – tiny bumps on the skin with no visible black or white head. Pustules also appear at times. They are medium-sized bumps with a yellow or white dot in the center, leaving the skin red and inflamed. 

How to identify – 

  • If you have oily skin, you may notice a few or all things mentioned above. The oil may seem excessive, so much so that you can feel it on wipes or fingers when you touch your face. The frequency of acne and pustule formation may vary for individuals. 
  • Along with that, the symptoms include enlarged pores, dull or shiny, or thick skinned complexion. 
  • There could be blackheads, pimples, or other blemishes.
  • Please consider that oiliness in the skin depends on the weather and a particular time of year. 
  • Stress, puberty, or other hormonal imbalances can affect the oiliness in the skin. 

Normal Skin

Normal skin is well-balanced, and its scientific term is eudermic. This kind of skin involves T-zone (forehead, chin, and nose) that may be oily. However, the sebum and moisture quantity are balanced in the skin. So, overall, the skin is neither too dry nor too oily. 

How to identify – 

  • If you have normal skin, you may not see many imperfections
  • There is no severe sensitivity
  • There are barely any visible pores
  • Individuals with normal skin types have mostly a naturally radiant complexion. 

Combination Skin Type

Individuals often confuse combination skin type with normal skin. The difference between the two may reflect in T-zone and the cheeks. T-zone can significantly differ for both the skins – starting from a slim zone to a large area. 

As the name suggests, the skin combines oily and dry zones. T-zone and some other parts can be excessively oily & while the rest is dry. 

How to identify – 

  • If you have combination skin, pores look slightly larger than usual as they are more open, especially on the nose.
  • You may notice blackheads and shiny skin. 

The Case of Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin and Skin Sensitivity are two different things. However, you may notice that generally, people refer to sensitive skin as a skin condition. 

Sensitive skin is easily affected by various factors that other skin types tolerate. The factors involve the usage of skincare products, cosmetics, etc., or a change in weather. 

Sensitive skin is a permanent condition for some individuals. For other individuals, specific internal and external factors trigger sensitivity. In scientific terms, it occurs when the skin’s natural barrier function is compromised, leading to moisture loss and allowing irritating elements to enter the skin. 

If you have skin sensitivity, you may notice itching, inflammation, and redness in your skin very quickly when you step into the sun or apply a cosmetic. In this case, you have to consult a dermatologist who can suggest reliable skincare products to use. 

Skin Type Vs. Skin Conditions 

You know about the different types of skin. Now, let’s learn about multiple skin conditions. 

The major difference between skin type and skin condition is – skin condition can significantly vary throughout your life, unlike the skin type. Common skin conditions are dehydration, aging signs, rosacea, and frequent acne formation. 

Our skin type tends to change during our lifetime. For example, some may have oily skin in teenage days that may turn dryer during later stages. Fine lines and wrinkles also surface on the skin, & pigmentation may evolve. You must notice these changes and understand your skin condition to take the necessary measures. 

Certain internal and external factors determine skin conditions. 

  • Internal factors can be hereditary when genes pass a condition onto an individual. Wrong medication can also lead your skin to develop a condition. Hormonal imbalances are also responsible for some skin conditions such as pain-causing pustules.
  • Climate change, pollution, and stress are external factors that may result in a skin condition such as dehydration. 

If you notice any such problem in your skin in severity, consult a trusted medical professional. 

Choosing a skin treatment is a viable option if you do not have a severe skin condition that requires a doctor’s attention. However, before choosing a course of treatment, you must keep in mind that getting in touch with an experienced aesthetician is essential. This is the point where Charene Beauty Services come in.

More About Charene Beauty Services

Imagine a wide array of beauty services by an experienced professional at highly-reasonable prices – that’s Charene Beauty Services in a nutshell. 

Charene provides beauty solutions that anyone can opt for, except for oncology patients. We offer oncology specific facials with a doctor note allowing service. The list of services includes new-age and advanced skin treatment facials like LED facial, ultrasonic facial, etc. 

If you prefer traditional skincare solutions, you can choose spa or deep cleansing facial and oxygen facial. What more? There are customized options available for a deep cleansing facial. 

You can select from relaxing, therapeutic services like facial massages (gua shu/Kansa/CBD/aromatherapy), infusion jelly mask, etc. 

Charene offers advanced services to address different skin conditions for individuals looking for a specific treatment. The service selection involves the wow anti-aging treatment, acne buster, firming peptide treatment, hi-frequency to sanitize and reduce acne & inflammation, chemical peels, sculplla h2 topical facial filler treatment, and microdermabrasion. Modern and highly-effective skincare treatments start from $10. 

Charene Beauty Services do not think of these services as just services. For us, these services are a union of therapy and science. Hence, we aim to provide you with an experience like never before. So book an appointment today!

Looking for Best Beauty Parlour Near Me – Charene Beauty Services