Yoga benefits your mind

How Yoga Effects You Mentally, Physically, and Spirituality by Charene Beauty Parlour


{} Eases Anxiety and Depression

{} Boosts Memory and Concentration

{} Improves Physiological Wellbeing

{} Helps You Cope With Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

{} Gives You Emotional Balance

{} Teaches You How To Live in the Moment

Increases experience of relaxation.
Provides a deeper appreciation for the present moment, or mindfulness.
Allows for greater mind control, or control over the thoughts.
Increases mental clarity.
Improves concentration and focus.
Improves self-discipline.
Expands imagination and creativity (especially in children).
Elevates mood and feelings of contentment.
Increases self-awareness.
Increases self-confidence.
Increases optimism.
Provides much-needed “me-time.” (Especially important for parents)
Increases mental strength, or willpower.
Improves symptoms of certain neuropsychiatric disorders. (Including schizophrenia and ADHD.)
Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Improves learning efficiency.
Improvements in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Reduces symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Fosters a healthier body image.
Improves emotional control. (Especially over feelings such as anger or hostility.)
Improves self-control. (Contributes to better choices and habits.)
Increases experience of positive emotions. (Joy, peace.)
Decreases experience of negative emotions. (Fear, frustration, worries.)
Improves the mind-body connection. (Comes from synchronizing breathing with movement. Retrains the mind to find a place of peace and calm.)
Improves relationships with others.
May decrease feelings of loneliness (especially in elderly practitioners).
Increases sense of emotional healing and well-being.
Increases ability to handle disappointment and adversity.
Increases open-mindedness.
Improves intuitive abilities.
Increases sense of community. (When practiced in a group setting.)


{} Helps With Arthritis, Chronic Obstructive, fibromyalgia, Pulmonary Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Osteoporosis, or Stroke

{} Strengthens our muscles and increases our flexibility. The different asanas, particularly the twists and inversions, stimulate internal organs, as well as the nervous system, and promote circulation in all the body’s major organs and glands

{} Increases body awareness

{} Stretches and lengthens the muscles and soft tissues of the body. (Tendons, ligaments, and the fascia sheath that surrounds the muscles.)

{} Releases lactic acid build-up. (Lactic acid can cause muscle soreness, stiffness, pain, and fatigue.)

{} Increases the range of motion in the joints.
Increases muscle tone. (From the larger ones to some of the smaller, less-used muscles.)

{} Increases endurance

{} Helps develop motor skills

{} Improves balance, coordination, and posture. Increases core stability, Improves agility, Improves reaction time.

{} Improves respiration and Asthma – Increased lung capacity

{} Improves circulation of blood and oxygen to the cells in the body

{} Improves stress-management,
Lowers levels of adrenaline, cortisol, and catecholamines (all responses to stress.)

{} Increases energy and vitality.

{} Lowers blood pressure, pulse rate, and cholesterol. Helps prevent the hardening of the arteries and Improves lipid profile.

{} Facilitates weight loss

{} Strengthens the immune system.

{} Helps to prevent loss of bone density (osteoporosis).

{} Reduces or even eliminates pain, both acute and chronic.

{} Improves sleep and decreases symptoms and occurrence of insomnia.

{} Improve conditions of irregular heart rhythm.

{} Helps to maintain a balanced metabolism.

{} Protects against future injury.

{} Helps stroke victims recover

{} Massages the internal organs.

{} Improves lymphatic functioning.

{} Aids and improves digestion and elimination processes.

{} Helps to detoxify the body.

{} Increases the Galvanic skin response.

{} Improves endocrine functioning

{} Reduces sodium levels.

{} Increases level of red blood cells, Reduces blood glucose levels. (Especially helpful for diabetics.)

{} Decreases inflammatory markers and cellular aging.

{} Improves symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. (Improved grip and reduction of pain.)

{} Decreases occurrence of tension headaches and migraines.

{} Relieves some symptoms and discomfort associated with menstruation and menopause.

{} Aids in common pregnancy discomforts such as bloating and backaches.

{} Improves spinal curvature and sclerosis.

{} Elevates brain gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels. (Lows levels are associated with Alzheimer’s disease.)

{} Improves sexual functioning.

{} Calms the nervous system.

{} Nourishes intervertebral discs.


Encourages self-knowledge.
Stimulates the energy centers of the body.
Increases ability to manifest positive experiences in daily life.
Discovery or connection with one’s sense of purpose or meaning in life.
Creates a sense of being more in-tune with one’s inner consciousness.
Leads to a greater sense of connectedness to others and the world.
Develops a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves. (Nature, the universe, one’s God or gods, or some other expression of the divine.)
Fosters a greater sense of appreciation of each experience for what it is.
Fosters a deeper sense of gratitude in general.
Leads to a sense of fulfillment.



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